Obtained "AMVER" award


(2014-11-20) To participate in the "AMVER" system, the Jüngerhans shipping company has for the operated heavy-lift vessel MS "INDUSTRIAL CHIEF" received a respective label from the US Coast Guard in the rooms of the US consulate in Hamburg.

"AMVER" stands for "Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue" system and is a computer-based voluntary ship reporting system used worldwide by search and rescue authorities to coordinate the assistance of persons in distress. For this, the relevant data of merchant vessels participating in the system is first registered in the AMVER database. In addition, the planned itinerary is transmitted prior to departure and the position during the voyage. In a distress situation, all Rescue Control Centers can access the AMVER data and coordinate which ship located nearby is best suited to carry out or support the rescue operations.

Worldwide, more than 700 vessels can selectively be called upon and specifically requested in an emergency. The vessels thereby make no commitments that would not exist anyway under international law on the high seas. However, the nearest vessels can be specifically requested to help due to the more accurate data available. In such an event, other more distant vessels can continue their course.
Reederei Jüngerhans

Visitors: Boschstrasse 31 | 49733 Haren (Ems) | Germany

Post: P.O. Box 1260 | 49724 Haren (Ems) | Germany


Phone: +49 5932 7250-0
Telefax: +49 5932 7250-60
E-Mail: info(at)juengerhans.de